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How often do you update your testimonials on your website? Google and other search engines promote websites that are updated frequently. You may find it awkward to ask for and follow up on a customer's testimonial. Then, publish it.

Our credibility and our trust are affirmed by testimonials. This is known as social proof today. Companies use testimonials as a way to brag about their services. This is just normal service for us! Moreover, using raves to combat negative reviews helps overcome objections by prospects. You may overlook seven other benefits that testimonials can provide.

1. Customer Loyalty

You may have given someone a recommendation. Do they use it on their site? Do you not feel honored and valued? You will feel closer to the business that asked for a testimonial and also with the individual who requested it. Imagine what you could achieve if every client felt appreciated.

You should ask someone for a testimonial whenever they thank you. You don't need to get enough testimonials; you just want those who are grateful for you to feel valued by you. You can turn grateful clients into raving, loyal fans.

Referrals from loyal clients are a great way to grow your business. You can also get leeway from loyal clients if you make a mistake or don't live up to their expectations. You can achieve all of this by simply displaying their testimonials on your website.

Ask for a neutral opinion instead of worrying about the client's reaction, or putting it down to a project in marketing. If you're happy with what the client says, then ask permission to use their kind words.

2. Referral Dress Rehearsal

It's a great way to practice what you can tell others. It can be uncomfortable to recommend someone. We may not have the best words. This is a mental block. We prefer to be uncomfortable than keep quiet. We don't speak out.

When someone praises you, it's not just a mouthful of words. The next time you have an opportunity, those kind words will be more readily expressed. Referrals: What is the Golden Rule? You will be referred more by others if you are more raving about them.

3. The Natural Language of Customers

You should always ask permission to use a testimonial. What if you do not give credit to the customer? They won't be using your carefully chosen corporate language when they give a testimonial. The clients will speak like regular people. Your unique selling proposition or distinctive value prop will be expressed in normal language.

People respond to people who speak naturally. Use testimonial language in your entire marketing copy. It's a combination of market research and copyediting. Customers will be recognized.

4. Learning Opportunities

Feedback isn't always 100% positive. Maybe the testimonial contains something you don't want to emphasize. Collecting feedback can be a valuable learning experience.

This market research, like the one above, can help you plan, improve, or focus on what you are offering. Do you hear the same thing over and over? Maybe it's the right time to change your business model.

5. Staff Appreciation

Ask your customers to provide a testimonial regarding your employees if you are the owner of a business. It will make you look good to the client and is a nice way to show appreciation for others. It's a win for everyone if you display staff praise on your site. The testimonials about your workplace can also be used to recruit new employees.

Public rants can sometimes be productive, but they are not always healthy. Ask coworkers about their colleagues. Peer reviews differ: management best practices recommend that formal reviews be kept private, or aggregated to maintain anonymity. Weekly or daily "rave sessions", which can help build team spirit and morale, are a great way to boost motivation. This can encourage ideas and initiative, as well as encourage everyone to achieve.

6. Share-ability

The worst posts on social media are sales pitches. You're basically handing your brochure out at a barbecue. It's best to use testimonials on Facebook or LinkedIn, even if explicit advertising is allowed.

Shared by fans, testimonials are more effective. This seems to be a perfect use of social media. You'll be thrilled to read testimonials on social media about you. Their friends, families, and co-workers will also see how enthusiastic they are about you. This is proactive marketing by word of mouth!

7. Search Engine Optimization SEO

Blog posts can be inspired by: 

  • Testimonials 
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Cite the testimonial, and then elaborate on your customer's success. Search engine optimization is boosted by blogs.

Your SEO will also benefit from testimonials and reviews posted on other websites. The more testimonials that you share, the higher your ranking will be.

In the introduction, we highlight three benefits that testimonials can provide. Did you find any of these seven surprising? The majority of entrepreneurs receive three testimonials, and then they rest on their laurels. Growing a fan base can give you a competitive edge, as well as many other advantages.

Need help collecting testimonials? Contact us for some helpful tools to get you started!

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